“Words cannot express how much I have loved my time here in such open hearted and warm company……I’ve grown new leaves and my branches have reached out to meet others…and I’ve grown some roots in this beautiful place.” Ruth, Living with Trees Retreat, 2022
Over the last few years The Wild Circle has been exploring pathways back into a more reciprocal relationship with Nature. This Return takes many forms, ranging from Solo Retreats in the wilds, to working together to build a coracle or roundhouse. Often with supportive guidance we find what we need to lead us back. This year we have reduced our Retreat program due to other commitments but are still offering the popular Wheel of the Year Course which starts at the beginning of November.
Collaborating with Margaret Kerr over recent years, we have noticed the value Art plays, not only in a therapeutic role but also as a meeting place where head, heart, and hand come together, weaving us back into relationship with the more than human world. Over the course of 2024 we shall be exploring this further, adding more Artwork to these pages and seeking out opportunities to collaborate.
Following the success of our Wheel of the Year course over the last three years, in 2024 we shall be offering an Introduction to The Wheel of the Year on the 28th September which is a stand alone day to learn about some of the areas covered in the Wheel of the Year.
We shall aso be offering the Wheel of the Year Course for 2024/25 starting on the 2nd November. It will comprise of 4 in person days held at Sunnybank in Cornwall and four online days. Full details and dates will be confirmed by the end of March.
Selling Art and Craft, as well as gift vouchers for Cornish yurt Holidays and for the Wheel of the Year Course.