Welcome to the Wild Circle
Resource List
We hope you enjoy these as much as we did…
Philosophy and Nature
CG Jung The Earth Has a Soul
Bill Plotkin Soulcraft
James Hillman The essential James Hillman
Thich Nhat Hanh
Alistair McIntosh Soil and Soul
Bill Coperthwaite A Handmade Life
Joseph Campbell The Hero with a Thousand Faces
David Abrams The Spell of The Sensuous & Becoming Animal
John P Milton Sky Above Earth Below
Weber The Biology of Wonder
Mac Macartney The Childrens’ Fire
Jay Griffiths Wild
Matthew Crawford The Case for Working with Your Hands
Braungart and McDonough Cradle to Cradle
Kate Raworth Donut Economics
George Monbiot Feral
Rachel Carson Silent spring
Isabella Tree Wilding
Richard Louv Last Child in the Woods
Peter Wohleben The Hidden Life of Trees
Mary Oliver
Rainer Maria Rilke Book of Hours
David Whyte
Gary Snyder
John Clare The Shepherds Calender
Seamus Heaney
Oliver Rackham Woodlands
The History of the Countryside
Colin Tudge The Secret Life of Trees
Yuval Noah Harari Sapiens
Thoreau Waldon
John Muir
Aldo Leopold Sand County Almanac
Forrest Carter The Education of Little Tree
Nan Shepherd The Living Mountain
Erlin Kagge Silence
Barry Lopez
Robert MacFarlane
Richard Mabey Nature Cure
Annie Dillard A Pilgrim at Tinkers Creek
Charles Foster Being a Beast
Amy Liptrot The Outrun
John Lewis Stempel The Pond
Roger Deakin Waterlog
Jean Giorno The Man who Planted trees
Philip Connors Fire Season
Miriam Darlington Otter Country
Tim Dee Four Fields
Helen Macdonald H is for Hawk
Kathleen Jamie Findings
Mark Cocker Crow Country
JA Baker The Peregrine
Martin Shaw
Ursula Le Guin
Edward Abbey The Monkey Wrench Gang
DH Lawrence The Plumed Serpent
Ray Mears
Tristan Gooley
Rebecca Laughton Surviving and Thriving on the land